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Preservation Chicago Most Endangered assignment

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The Library search from the Library Home page may lead to print books, ebooks, ebook chapters, and articles and other items on Chicago history, neighborhoods, historic sites, movements, events, etc.


Discovery of background information on the buildings and areas listed in Preservation Chicago's Most Endangered List may require the researcher to be strategic and flexible.  A main strategy for success it to identify KEYWORDS to describe possible ways into your topic. 

These keywords may include the building name, alternate names for the same building, architects' names, street address, neighborhood, and related historical periods or events. 


  • The building name
  • The architect
  • The street address (probably works best in Google)
  • The company or industry related to the building
  • The neighborhood(s) it is in – for history
  • Aspects – Terra Cotta is related to the Chicago School of Architecture
  • Periods - Post-world war II architecture, international style, midcentury modern
  • Important names - Frankie Knuckles and house music at The Warehouse