Business of Fashion (Free Student Membership Only) This link opens in a new windowUse your Columbia College Chicago email address to create an account. BoF Student Membership is free for Columbia College Chicago Students. You must be a REGISTERED and VERIFIED user. Once registered, an email will be sent that welcomes you. HOW TO BECOME REGISTERED --->>> STEP ONE: Click on Join BoF Professional (upper left side above the BoF logo) to take you to the special free student membership link. Scroll down underneath the Professional Membership boxes until you see – Other Memberships. Click on the STUDENTS & SCHOOLS box. STEP TWO: Click - Students Membership | FREE ($0) | Until You Graduate | JOIN NOW box. Sign Up/Create Your Free Account by filling-in the form with your Columbia College Chicago Email Address and Click Sign Up to receive an email to verify your new account. Once you’ve set up your account, you can go ahead and log-in to fill-in additional information to confirm and begin your membership. NOTE: Free Student Membership does not include access to case studies, special editions, selected articles, online courses or BoF professional digital live events.