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Communication Research - COMM 530

This guide supports research for the course COMM 530 Communication Research

Consumer Trends and General Statistics

MRI Simmons for Consumer Behavior

"MRI Simmons Insights: Quick Reports. version 2.0" recorded November 2023 (6 minutes)

"MRI Simmons Insights 2.0: Quick Reports," recorded December 2023 (10 minutes)

0:18 Reading a Cross-Tab Report 5:16 Creating a Cross-Tab Report

Market Segmentation: Claritas Prizm Premier Segments

"Claritas Prizm Premier Segments," recorded February 2021, 4 minutes.

Zip Code Lookup: To see how to use "Zip Code Lookup" to find the top Claritas Prizm Segments in a zip code, go to minute 2:40 in the video.

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