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Intro to Management & Entrepreneurship - BUSE 105

This guide supports research for the Introduction to Management & Entrepreneurship course, BUSE 105

SWOT Analysis

For Examples of SWOT analyses evaluting the Strengthes, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for some larger companies, use the following database:



You may have luck searching Google or other search engines using the name of your company (Levi Strauss) and the word SWOT. As always, evaluate the source of the information you find and CHECK FOR CURRENCY. Old SWOT analyses are nont useful for the current industry environment. If you need help, use ASK A LIBRARIAN.

While the above suggestions can help you find existing SWOT analyses for bigger commpanies, you'll need to use your own thinking and reading to come up with your own SWOT analysis of your own business.  All the other sources in this guide can help you with data like industry trends, consumer trends, changing consumer concerns, and strategic planning considerations.