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Media Ecosystems - COMM 420

In-Class Research Practice - Finding Neighborhood Consumer Information

In-Class Experience

Please follow these step-by-step instructions and request assistance when needed. 


  1. If you have not already done so, determine one or more zip codes for your neighborhood of interest
  2. Go to Claritas Prizm Permiere Segments 
  3. Enter a zip code to find the top five consumer segments represented in the zip code. Make notes or cut and paste information that you find pertinent.  (What are common characteristics? What are product, service, or media preferences? Remember to look at all the listed segments in this area, not just one. Also, these groups do not represent everyone who lives in the neighborhood.  Only the largest groups.)


You may find it helpful to watch this 7-minute video that demonstrates the following steps in SimplyAnalytics.   

VIDEO: SimplyAnalytics: Data about Neighborhoods and Cities

  1. Open SimplyAnalytics
  2. Create an account.  By logging in to your own account each time you use SimplyAnalytics, you will save your work automatically. 
  3. Select NEW PROJECT at top of page.
  4. Search for and select your city and your neighborhood zip code. For example: I will search for Chicago and select CHICAGO, IL and I will search for a zip code for the Rogers Park neighborhood, 60626.
  5. Click on CREATE A PROJECT.
  6. View the map.  The map can only display one data point (example: Educational Attainment) at a time. 
  7. Click "View Actions" in the upper right to display zip codes or other label.
  8. Now, select QUICK REPORT from the right hand column of the screen. Now you can view demographic data comparing your zip code with the city as a whole and the USA. 
  9. Now click on COMPARISON TABLE. Now you can add any data you like to know about the neighborhood.
  10. Click on DATA in the upper left of the screen.
  11. Type in a segment name that your Claritas search for your zip code. You can add all five zip codes that Claritas lists as the top groups in your neighborhood.
  12. You can also add any other data point to your table.
  13. You can also add any other location within the city or the U.S. to compare with your neighborhood.
  14. IMPORTANT: You can export and save any table or map you create in SimplyAnalytics.